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ERA: a female-driven impact developer


Women are leading the climate change fight, which is also true at ERA, with 70% of our team female!

The future is feminine. ERA is integrating the gender equality agenda into climate-forest finance to promote the transformative changes needed to successfully fight climate change.

WOCAN, also known as the Women Organising for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, shares that there is "considerable evidence exists to support the argument that if we don’t address climate and gender jointly, we undermine both agendas. Conversely, by integrating the two, we can amplify the impact of both. The cost of inaction is high. To reach the scale required for fast climate results, we cannot afford to exclude the knowledge, skills and networks of women by neglecting their contributions to tackling climate change, nor ignore the threats climate change poses to global gains in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. Evidence suggests only 10% of climate finance flows to the local level, 1% of ‘gender equality’ funding from governments flows to women’s organisations and 3% of environmental philanthropy supports ‘women’s environmental activism".

65% of respondents believe the demand for carbon credits with women's empowerment benefits will grow once buyers are aware of the opportunity to purchase offsets with a co-benefit for women’s empowerment/gender equality. 90% of the brokers think there is an interest from buyers to support projects that benefit women, with 67% of respondents believing buyers would be willing to pay a premium price for GHG credits with women’s empowerment co-benefits. - WOCAN Survey of Women in Environmental Markets Ecosystem (2021)

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