ERA launched the REDD Cerrado Program
to avoid the planned, legal deforestation of Brazil's second largest biome
- the most biodiverse grassland in the world -
and issued the first of it's kind, premium carbon credits (VCU+CCB)
This is a pioneering initiative for native vegetation conservation in private lands in the Brazilian Cerrado, a highly threatened biome due to the expansion of commercial agriculture (soy, corn, cattle).
Currently, private landholders do not receive payments for ecosystem services to maintain native vegetation, therefore, typically the only economic alternative is to convert native Cerrado for agricultural purposes, as the opportunity cost is higher.
The consequence is ecosystem conversion, biodiversity and water loss, and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The REDD Cerrado Program was launched as a grouped project to provide landholders with surplus forest an economic alternative to conventional agriculture and deforestation
Welcome to a new ERA where standing forests can make money too!
Impact highlights
​The program reinvests a part of the carbon revenues into developing a series of CORE-benefits, such as fire prevention, education, women's empowerment, regenerative agriculture, eco-tourism, which are monitored and verified under the Climate Community & Biodiversity Standard.

ERA has joined forces with Carbon Streaming Corporation, an ESG-oriented investment vehicle, to scale the REDD Cerrado Program and use their network to commercialize the credits.
We are extremely happy to have them as our allies and honoured to be part of their diversified portfolio of premium carbon credit projects.